use crate::args::{Args, ARGS}; use crate::endpoints::errors::ErrorTemplate; use crate::pasta::Pasta; use crate::util::animalnumbers::to_u64; use crate::util::hashids::to_u64 as hashid_to_u64; use crate::util::misc::{self, remove_expired}; use crate::AppState; use actix_web::{get, web, HttpResponse}; use askama::Template; #[derive(Template)] #[template(path = "qr.html", escape = "none")] struct QRTemplate<'a> { qr: &'a String, pasta: &'a Pasta, args: &'a Args, } #[get("/qr/{id}")] pub async fn getqr(data: web::Data, id: web::Path) -> HttpResponse { // get access to the pasta collection let mut pastas = data.pastas.lock().unwrap(); let u64_id = if ARGS.hash_ids { hashid_to_u64(&id).unwrap_or(0) } else { to_u64(&id).unwrap_or(0) }; // remove expired pastas (including this one if needed) remove_expired(&mut pastas); // find the index of the pasta in the collection based on u64 id let mut index: usize = 0; let mut found: bool = false; for (i, pasta) in pastas.iter().enumerate() { if == u64_id { index = i; found = true; break; } } if found { // generate the QR code as an SVG - if its a file or text pastas, this will point to the /pasta endpoint, otherwise to the /url endpoint, essentially directly taking the user to the url stored in the pasta let svg: String = match pastas[index].pasta_type.as_str() { "url" => misc::string_to_qr_svg(format!("{}/url/{}", &ARGS.public_path, &id).as_str()), _ => misc::string_to_qr_svg(format!("{}/pasta/{}", &ARGS.public_path, &id).as_str()), }; // serve qr code in template return HttpResponse::Ok().content_type("text/html").body( QRTemplate { qr: &svg, pasta: &pastas[index], args: &ARGS, } .render() .unwrap(), ); } // otherwise // send pasta not found error HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("text/html") .body(ErrorTemplate { args: &ARGS }.render().unwrap()) }