module MBP module BasicSyntaxHighlighter # Plugin Properties def self.get_id() "BasicSyntaxHighlighter" end def self.get_name() "Basic Syntax Highlighter Plugin" end def self.get_version() "1.0.0" end def self.get_author() "Daniel Szabo" end def self.get_webpage() "" end def self.get_description() "This plugin will simply color keywords and special characters in four different colors based on some very basic RegEx - it is meant to univesally make code pastas more readable but is not a robust syntax highlighter solution." end # Plugin Event Hooks def self.init() # Ignore event "OK" end def self.on_pasta_created(content) # We do not modify stored content return content end def self.on_pasta_read(content) tokens = { "orchid" => [/([0-9])/, /([t|T][r|R][u|U][e|E]|[f|F][a|A][l|L][s|S][e|E])/], "palevioletred" => ['(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']'], "royalblue" => [/(\s(for|while|do|select|async|await|mut|break|continue|in|as|switch|let|fn|async|if|else|elseif|new|switch|match|case|default|public|protected|private|return|class|interface|static|final|const|var|int|integer|boolean|float|double|module|def|end|void))(?![a-z])/], "mediumorchid" => [/(:|\.|;|=|>|<|\?|!|#|%|@|\^|&|\*|\|)/], "mediumseagreen" => [/(\".*\")/, /(\'.*\')/] }; tokens.each { | color, tokens | for token in tokens do if(token.class == String) content.gsub!(token, "$$#{color}$$" + token + "$$/#{color}$$") elsif content.gsub!(token, "$$#{color}$$" + '\1' + "$$/#{color}$$") end end }; tokens.each { | color, tokens | content.gsub!("$$#{color}$$", ""); content.gsub!("$$/#{color}$$", ""); }; return content end end end