use bytesize::ByteSize; use chrono::{Datelike, Local, TimeZone, Timelike}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::fmt; use std::path::Path; use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; use crate::args::ARGS; use crate::util::hashids::to_hashids; use crate::util::pasta_id_converter::CONVERTER; use crate::util::syntaxhighlighter::html_highlight; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct PastaFile { pub name: String, pub size: ByteSize, } impl PastaFile { pub fn from_unsanitized(path: &str) -> Result { let path = Path::new(path); let name = path.file_name().ok_or("Path did not contain a file name")?; let name = name.to_string_lossy().replace(' ', "_"); Ok(Self { name, size: ByteSize::b(0), }) } pub fn name(&self) -> &str { & } /// Check if file is an image for embedding pub fn is_image(&self) -> bool { let guess = mime_guess::from_path(&; guess.type_() == "image" } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Pasta { pub id: u64, pub content: String, pub file: Option, pub extension: String, pub private: bool, pub editable: bool, pub created: i64, pub expiration: i64, pub last_read: i64, pub read_count: u64, pub burn_after_reads: u64, // what types can there be? // `url`, `text`, pub pasta_type: String, } impl Pasta { pub fn id_as_animals(&self) -> String { if ARGS.hash_ids { to_hashids( } else { CONVERTER.to_names( } } pub fn created_as_string(&self) -> String { let date = Local.timestamp(self.created, 0); format!( "{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}", date.month(),, date.hour(), date.minute(), ) } pub fn expiration_as_string(&self) -> String { if self.expiration == 0 { String::from("Never") } else { let date = Local.timestamp(self.expiration, 0); format!( "{:02}-{:02} {:02}:{:02}", date.month(),, date.hour(), date.minute(), ) } } pub fn last_read_time_ago_as_string(&self) -> String { // get current unix time in seconds let timenow: i64 = match SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) { Ok(n) => n.as_secs(), Err(_) => { log::error!("SystemTime before UNIX EPOCH!"); 0 } } as i64; // get seconds since last read and convert it to days let days = ((timenow - self.last_read) / 86400) as u16; if days > 1 { return format!("{days} days ago"); }; // it's less than 1 day, let's do hours then let hours = ((timenow - self.last_read) / 3600) as u16; if hours > 1 { return format!("{hours} hours ago"); }; // it's less than 1 hour, let's do minutes then let minutes = ((timenow - self.last_read) / 60) as u16; if minutes > 1 { return format!("{minutes} minutes ago"); }; // it's less than 1 minute, let's do seconds then let seconds = (timenow - self.last_read) as u16; if seconds > 1 { return format!("{seconds} seconds ago"); }; // it's less than 1 second????? String::from("just now") } pub fn last_read_days_ago(&self) -> u16 { // get current unix time in seconds let timenow: i64 = match SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) { Ok(n) => n.as_secs(), Err(_) => { log::error!("SystemTime before UNIX EPOCH!"); 0 } } as i64; // get seconds since last read and convert it to days ((timenow - self.last_read) / 86400) as u16 } pub fn content_syntax_highlighted(&self) -> String { html_highlight(&self.content, &self.extension) } pub fn content_not_highlighted(&self) -> String { html_highlight(&self.content, "txt") } pub fn content_escaped(&self) -> String { self.content .replace('`', "\\`") .replace('$', "\\$") .replace('/', "\\/") } } impl fmt::Display for Pasta { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.content) } }