extern crate core; use env_logger::Builder; use std::io::Write; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; use actix_files; use actix_multipart::Multipart; use actix_web::dev::ServiceRequest; use actix_web::middleware::Condition; use actix_web::{error, get, middleware, web, App, Error, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder}; use actix_web_httpauth::extractors::basic::BasicAuth; use actix_web_httpauth::middleware::HttpAuthentication; use askama::Template; use chrono::Local; use clap::Parser; use futures::TryStreamExt as _; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use linkify::{LinkFinder, LinkKind}; use log::LevelFilter; use rand::Rng; use std::fs; use crate::animalnumbers::{to_animal_names, to_u64}; use crate::dbio::save_to_file; use crate::pasta::Pasta; mod animalnumbers; mod dbio; mod pasta; lazy_static! { static ref ARGS: Args = Args::parse(); } struct AppState { pastas: Mutex>, } #[derive(Parser, Debug, Clone)] #[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 8080)] port: u32, #[clap(short, long, default_value_t = 1)] threads: u8, #[clap(long)] hide_header: bool, #[clap(long)] hide_footer: bool, #[clap(long)] pure_html: bool, #[clap(long)] no_listing: bool, #[clap(long)] auth_username: Option, #[clap(long)] auth_password: Option, } async fn auth_validator( req: ServiceRequest, credentials: BasicAuth, ) -> Result { // check if username matches if credentials.user_id().as_ref() == ARGS.auth_username.as_ref().unwrap() { return match ARGS.auth_password.as_ref() { Some(cred_pass) => match credentials.password() { None => Err(error::ErrorBadRequest("Invalid login details.")), Some(arg_pass) => { if arg_pass == cred_pass { Ok(req) } else { Err(error::ErrorBadRequest("Invalid login details.")) } } }, None => Ok(req), }; } else { Err(error::ErrorBadRequest("Invalid login details.")) } } #[derive(Template)] #[template(path = "index.html")] struct IndexTemplate<'a> { args: &'a Args, } #[derive(Template)] #[template(path = "error.html")] struct ErrorTemplate<'a> { args: &'a Args, } #[derive(Template)] #[template(path = "pasta.html")] struct PastaTemplate<'a> { pasta: &'a Pasta, args: &'a Args, } #[derive(Template)] #[template(path = "pastalist.html")] struct PastaListTemplate<'a> { pastas: &'a Vec, args: &'a Args, } #[get("/")] async fn index() -> impl Responder { HttpResponse::Found() .content_type("text/html") .body(IndexTemplate { args: &ARGS }.render().unwrap()) } async fn not_found() -> Result { Ok(HttpResponse::Found() .content_type("text/html") .body(ErrorTemplate { args: &ARGS }.render().unwrap())) } async fn create(data: web::Data, mut payload: Multipart) -> Result { let mut pastas = data.pastas.lock().unwrap(); let timenow: i64 = match SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) { Ok(n) => n.as_secs(), Err(_) => panic!("SystemTime before UNIX EPOCH!"), } as i64; let mut new_pasta = Pasta { id: rand::thread_rng().gen::() as u64, content: String::from("No Text Content"), file: String::from("no-file"), created: timenow, pasta_type: String::from(""), expiration: 0, }; while let Some(mut field) = payload.try_next().await? { match field.name() { "expiration" => { while let Some(chunk) = field.try_next().await? { new_pasta.expiration = match std::str::from_utf8(&chunk).unwrap() { "1min" => timenow + 60, "10min" => timenow + 60 * 10, "1hour" => timenow + 60 * 60, "24hour" => timenow + 60 * 60 * 24, "1week" => timenow + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, "never" => 0, _ => panic!("Unexpected expiration time!"), }; } continue; } "content" => { while let Some(chunk) = field.try_next().await? { new_pasta.content = std::str::from_utf8(&chunk).unwrap().to_string(); new_pasta.pasta_type = if is_valid_url(new_pasta.content.as_str()) { String::from("url") } else { String::from("text") }; } continue; } "file" => { let content_disposition = field.content_disposition(); let filename = match content_disposition.get_filename() { Some("") => continue, Some(filename) => filename.replace(' ', "_").to_string(), None => continue, }; std::fs::create_dir_all(format!("./pasta_data/{}", &new_pasta.id_as_animals())) .unwrap(); let filepath = format!("./pasta_data/{}/{}", &new_pasta.id_as_animals(), &filename); new_pasta.file = filename; let mut f = web::block(|| std::fs::File::create(filepath)).await??; while let Some(chunk) = field.try_next().await? { f = web::block(move || f.write_all(&chunk).map(|_| f)).await??; } new_pasta.pasta_type = String::from("text"); } _ => {} } } let id = new_pasta.id; pastas.push(new_pasta); save_to_file(&pastas); Ok(HttpResponse::Found() .append_header(("Location", format!("/pasta/{}", to_animal_names(id)))) .finish()) } #[get("/pasta/{id}")] async fn getpasta(data: web::Data, id: web::Path) -> HttpResponse { let mut pastas = data.pastas.lock().unwrap(); let id = to_u64(&*id.into_inner()); remove_expired(&mut pastas); for pasta in pastas.iter() { if pasta.id == id { return HttpResponse::Found() .content_type("text/html") .body(PastaTemplate { pasta, args: &ARGS }.render().unwrap()); } } HttpResponse::Found() .content_type("text/html") .body(ErrorTemplate { args: &ARGS }.render().unwrap()) } #[get("/url/{id}")] async fn redirecturl(data: web::Data, id: web::Path) -> HttpResponse { let mut pastas = data.pastas.lock().unwrap(); let id = to_u64(&*id.into_inner()); remove_expired(&mut pastas); for pasta in pastas.iter() { if pasta.id == id { if pasta.pasta_type == "url" { return HttpResponse::Found() .append_header(("Location", String::from(&pasta.content))) .finish(); } else { return HttpResponse::Found() .content_type("text/html") .body(ErrorTemplate { args: &ARGS }.render().unwrap()); } } } HttpResponse::Found() .content_type("text/html") .body(ErrorTemplate { args: &ARGS }.render().unwrap()) } #[get("/raw/{id}")] async fn getrawpasta(data: web::Data, id: web::Path) -> String { let mut pastas = data.pastas.lock().unwrap(); let id = to_u64(&*id.into_inner()); remove_expired(&mut pastas); for pasta in pastas.iter() { if pasta.id == id { return pasta.content.to_owned(); } } String::from("Pasta not found! :-(") } #[get("/remove/{id}")] async fn remove(data: web::Data, id: web::Path) -> HttpResponse { let mut pastas = data.pastas.lock().unwrap(); let id = to_u64(&*id.into_inner()); remove_expired(&mut pastas); for (i, pasta) in pastas.iter().enumerate() { if pasta.id == id { pastas.remove(i); return HttpResponse::Found() .append_header(("Location", "/pastalist")) .finish(); } } HttpResponse::Found() .content_type("text/html") .body(ErrorTemplate { args: &ARGS }.render().unwrap()) } #[get("/pastalist")] async fn list(data: web::Data) -> HttpResponse { if ARGS.no_listing { return HttpResponse::Found() .append_header(("Location", "/")) .finish(); } let mut pastas = data.pastas.lock().unwrap(); remove_expired(&mut pastas); HttpResponse::Found().content_type("text/html").body( PastaListTemplate { pastas: &pastas, args: &ARGS, } .render() .unwrap(), ) } #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { let args: Args = Args::parse(); Builder::new() .format(|buf, record| { writeln!( buf, "{} [{}] - {}", Local::now().format("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), record.level(), record.args() ) }) .filter(None, LevelFilter::Info) .init(); log::info!( "MicroBin starting on{}", args.port.to_string() ); match std::fs::create_dir_all("./pasta_data") { Ok(dir) => dir, Err(error) => { log::error!("Couldn't create data directory ./pasta_data: {:?}", error); panic!("Couldn't create data directory ./pasta_data: {:?}", error); } }; let data = web::Data::new(AppState { pastas: Mutex::new(dbio::load_from_file().unwrap()), }); HttpServer::new(move || { App::new() .app_data(data.clone()) .wrap(middleware::NormalizePath::trim()) .service(index) .service(getpasta) .service(redirecturl) .service(getrawpasta) .service(actix_files::Files::new("/static", "./static")) .service(actix_files::Files::new("/file", "./pasta_data")) .service(web::resource("/upload").route(web::post().to(create))) .default_service(web::route().to(not_found)) .wrap(middleware::Logger::default()) .service(remove) .service(list) .wrap(Condition::new( args.auth_username.is_some(), HttpAuthentication::basic(auth_validator), )) }) .bind(format!("{}", args.port.to_string()))? .workers(args.threads as usize) .run() .await } fn remove_expired(pastas: &mut Vec) { // get current time - this will be needed to check which pastas have expired let timenow: i64 = match SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) { Ok(n) => n.as_secs(), Err(_) => panic!("SystemTime before UNIX EPOCH!"), } as i64; pastas.retain(|p| { // expiration is `never` or not reached if p.expiration == 0 || p.expiration > timenow { // keep true } else { // remove the file itself fs::remove_file(format!("./pasta_data/{}/{}", p.id_as_animals(), p.file)); // and remove the containing directory fs::remove_dir(format!("./pasta_data/{}/", p.id_as_animals())); // remove false } }); } fn is_valid_url(url: &str) -> bool { let finder = LinkFinder::new(); let spans: Vec<_> = finder.spans(url).collect(); spans[0].as_str() == url && Some(&LinkKind::Url) == spans[0].kind() }