MicroBin is a super tiny, feature rich, configurable, self-contained and self-hosted paste bin web application. It is very easy to set up and use, and will only require a few megabytes of memory and disk storage. It takes only a couple minutes to set it up, why not give it a try now?
- A text that you want to paste from one machine to another, eg. some code,
- A file that you want to share, eg. a video that is too large for Discord, a zip with a code project in it or an image,
- A URL redirect.
### When is MicroBin useful?
You can use MicroBin
- As a URL shortener/redirect service,
- To send long texts to other people,
- To send large files to other people,
- To serve content on the web, eg. configuration files for testing, images, or any other file content using the Raw functionality,
- To move files between your desktop and a server you access from the console,
- As a "postbox" service where people can upload their files or texts, but they cannot see or remove what others sent you - just disable the pastalist page