use chumsky::{ error::Rich, input::{Stream, ValueInput}, prelude::*, primitive::just, recursive::recursive, span::SimpleSpan, IterParser, }; use indexmap::IndexMap; use logos::Logos; use crate::tokens::Token; pub mod ast; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; use self::ast::{ raw_ast::{RawExpr, RawExpression}, File, }; pub type Span = SimpleSpan; pub type Spanned = (T, Span); pub fn parse(src: &str) -> ParseResult, Rich<'_, Token<'_>>> { let toks: Vec<_> = Token::lexer(src) .spanned() .map(|(t, s)| (t.expect("TODO: add lexer error(s)"), Span::from(s))) .collect(); let tok_stream = Stream::from_iter(toks).spanned((src.len()..src.len()).into()); parser().parse(tok_stream) } pub(crate) fn parser< 'tokens, 'src: 'tokens, I: ValueInput<'tokens, Token = Token<'src>, Span = Span>, >() -> impl Parser<'tokens, I, File<'src>, extra::Err, Span>>> { let word = select! { Token::Word(word) = e => (word, e.span())}; let expr = recursive(|expr| { let lit = select! { Token::Int(i) = e => RawExpression::new(RawExpr::Lit(ast::Lit::Int(i.parse().expect("TODO: handle better"))), e.span()), Token::Float(f) = e => RawExpression::new(RawExpr::Lit(ast::Lit::Float(f.parse().expect("TODO: handle better"))), e.span()), Token::String(s) = e => RawExpression::new(RawExpr::Lit(ast::Lit::String(s.strip_prefix('"').expect("a").strip_suffix('"').expect("b"))), e.span()) }; let mat = just(Token::Mat) .ignore_then(select! { Token::Dimensions(dimensions) = e => (dimensions, e.span())}) .then( lit.separated_by(just(Token::Comma)) .collect::>() .separated_by(just(Token::Semicolon)) .collect::>() .delimited_by(just(Token::BracketOpen), just(Token::BracketClose)), ) .map_with(|(dimensions, data), e| { // TODO: Validation and proper error handling/reporting // (validation = validating the matrix dimensions) RawExpression::new( RawExpr::Matrix(dimensions, data.into_iter().flatten().collect()), e.span(), ) }); let var = select! { Token::VarIdent(name) => (RawExpr::Var as fn(_) -> _, name), Token::InputIdent(name) => (RawExpr::InputVar as fn(_) -> _, name) } .map_with(|(item_type, name), extra| RawExpression::new(item_type(name), extra.span())) .labelled("variable"); let attrset = word .labelled("attr name") .then_ignore(just(Token::Colon)) .then(expr) .labelled("attr body") .separated_by(just(Token::Comma)) .collect::>() .map(IndexMap::from_iter) .delimited_by(just(Token::BraceOpen), just(Token::BraceClose)) .map_with(|v, e| (v, e.span())) .labelled("attrset"); let node = word .repeated() .collect() .then(attrset.clone().or_not()) .map_with(|(name, params), extra| { RawExpression::new(RawExpr::Node(name, params), extra.span()) }) // .or(var) // .or(attrset // .map_with(|attrset, extra| Expression::new(Expr::AttrSet(attrset), extra.span()))) // .or(lit) // .or(mat) .labelled("node"); let atom = var .or(lit) .or(mat) .or(attrset.map_with(|attrset, extra| { RawExpression::new(RawExpr::AttrSet(attrset), extra.span()) })) .or(node.clone()); #[allow(clippy::let_and_return)] let pipeline = atom .clone() .then(choice(( just(Token::Pipe).to(RawExpr::SimplePipe as fn(_, _) -> _), just(Token::MappingPipe).to(RawExpr::MappingPipe as fn(_, _) -> _), just(Token::NullPipe).to(RawExpr::NullPipe as fn(_, _) -> _), ))) .repeated() .foldr_with(atom, |(curr, pipe), next, extra| { RawExpression::new(pipe(curr, next), extra.span()) }); pipeline }); let decls = just(Token::Def) .ignore_then( word.then_ignore(just(Token::Equals)) .then(expr.clone().map(|expr| expr)) .then_ignore(just(Token::Semicolon)), ) .repeated() .collect::>() .map(|decls| File { decls: IndexMap::from_iter(decls), }); let single_expr =|expr| File { decls: IndexMap::from_iter([(("main", (0..0).into()), expr)]), }); just(Token::Def).rewind().ignore_then(decls).or(single_expr) // single_expr.or(decls) //|expr| File { // decls: IndexMap::from_iter([(("main", (0..0).into()), expr)]), // }) // .or(decl.repeated().collect::>().map(|decls| File { // decls: IndexMap::from_iter(decls), // })) } pub mod asg { use petgraph::graph::DiGraph; use super::Spanned; }