
76 lines
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#import "@preview/cetz:0.1.2"
#import cetz.draw: *
// quick reference
// - `graphic` is for inline icons/images
// - `canvas` is for centered more prominent stuff
// - `group` can be used in either of ^, but not standalone
#let graphic(what) = box({
// any preamble-ish stuff can go here
mark: (angle: 90deg)
#let canvas(what) = {
align(center, graphic(what))
// smaller stuff
#let arrow(length: 1cm, lift: 4pt, stroke: 1pt) = graphic({
line((0, lift), (rel: (length, 0)), mark: (end: ">", stroke: stroke))
// hack for the bounding box bottom
// so that `lift` even has any effect
line((0, 0), (0, 0), stroke: none)
// larger stuff
#let nodes(
distance: 3cm,
arrow-spacing: 0.15cm,
// cetz will support rounded rects in 0.2.0
style: (frame: "rect", padding: 0.1cm),
) = group({
let labels = labels.pos()
// draw each label itself
for (i, label) in labels.enumerate() {
if i != 0 {
set-origin((distance, 0))
content((0, 0), name: "label-" + str(i), label,
// then draw an arrow from each to each
// since an arrow is between two, the last one can't be connected with the "next-to-last" one
// so we leave it out
for i in range(labels.len() - 1) {
(rel: (arrow-spacing, 0), to: "label-" + str(i) + ".right"),
(rel: (-arrow-spacing, 0), to: "label-" + str(i + 1) + ".left"),
mark: (end: ">"),
#let stages-overview = canvas({
[Graph IR],
// literally just for standalone display of the graphics alone
#import "../template.typ": conf
#show: conf