ran alejandra formatter

This commit is contained in:
Forestcat 2023-11-26 21:33:06 +01:00
parent f30534ffa9
commit 48780cfeb8

View file

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on
# your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page
# and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running nixos-help).
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports =
[ # Include the results of the hardware scan.
}: {
imports = [
# Include the results of the hardware scan.
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@
"/crypto_keyfile.bin" = null;
boot.loader.grub.enableCryptodisk = true;
boot.initrd.luks.devices."luks-955d08e0-c2b1-4cc1-9318-24baa423d4d2".keyFile = "/crypto_keyfile.bin";
boot.initrd.luks.devices."luks-1a4418a8-689c-4826-b589-c574f25c8ba5".keyFile = "/crypto_keyfile.bin";
@ -72,13 +73,11 @@
hardware.pulseaudio.support32Bit = true;
hardware.pulseaudio.package = pkgs.pulseaudioFull;
# Define a user account. Don't forget to set a password with passwd.
users.users.forestcat = {
isNormalUser = true;
description = "forestcat";
extraGroups = [ "networkmanager" "wheel" "audio" ];
extraGroups = ["networkmanager" "wheel" "audio"];
packages = with pkgs; [];
users.defaultUserShell = pkgs.nushell;
@ -123,7 +122,6 @@
# Some programs need SUID wrappers, can be configured further or are
@ -156,14 +154,13 @@
# Enabling wayland
# programs.sway.enable = true;
xdg.portal.enable = true;
xdg.portal.extraPortals = [ pkgs.xdg-desktop-portal-gtk ];
xdg.portal.extraPortals = [pkgs.xdg-desktop-portal-gtk];
# services.xserver.wayland.enable = true;
# Enabling awesome WM
# services.xserver.windowManager.awesome.enable = true;
services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enable = true;
# Enable Flatpack support
services.flatpak.enable = true;
@ -176,7 +173,6 @@
# xwayland.enable = true;
# };
environment.sessionVariables = {
WLR_NO_HARDWARE_CURSORS = "1"; # if mouse cursor invisible
NIXOS_OZONE_WL = "1"; # hint electron apps to use wayland
@ -187,12 +183,9 @@
nvidia.modesetting.enable = true;
# Enabling Pipewire for Audio Support
services.pipewire.enable = true;
nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ];
nix.settings.experimental-features = ["nix-command" "flakes"];
# Automatic Garbage collection
nix.gc = {